Lycoming County Veterans Affairs
VA Outpatient Clinic
The VA Outpatient Clinic was established July 1997
on the Campus of Divine Providence Hospital in the
Wenner Building, 1705 Warren Avenue, Suite 304, Williamsport,PA
Phone: 570-322-4791 Fax: 570-322-5170
Open: Monday—Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Services Include: Primary Care, Enrollment/Eligibility forms,
Psychiatry, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Social Services,
Counseling, Lab, Nutrition services, and Immunizations.
The VA Clinic has a social worker at the clinic on Tuesday and Thursday.
Her name is Chris Veach; please call the clinic at
(570) 322-4791 to schedule an appointment.
Vet Center

The Vet Center is located at Suite 104, 49 East Fourth Street, Williamsport, next to the James V. Brown Library. Open Monday- Friday 8:00am-4:30pm.
Phone 570-327-5281.
In an effort to better serve the veteran and family members, upon request Vet Center will provide services after normal work hours and/or on weekends.
ALL SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE VET CENTER ARE FREE OF CHARGE. These include readjustment counseling and outreach services to all veterans
who served in any combat zone. Services are also available for their family members.
These include:
- Individual and group counseling: women, spouses, WWII, Korean, Vietnam, OEF/OIF, and other combat veterans.
- group counseling
- marital and family counseling
- bereavement counseling
- substance abuse information and referral
- referral in applying for VA Benefits, job counseling and educational VA benefits
- referral for homeless vets
- military sexual trauma (male and female) counseling & referral outreach and community education
PA CareerLink®

The PA CareerLink® Lycoming County office is located at
329 Pine Street in Williamsport.
Open Monday- Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
and from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Fridays
Phone: 570-601-5465
Additional Employment Resouces
Armed Forces Reserve Center
Family Assistance Center
13207 Grove Street, Williamsport, PA 17701
All military members, veterans and their familes are eligible to receive assistance.
Services Provided:
- ID Cards/DEERS
- Crisis Intervention
- Financial Assistance
- Legal Assistance
- Information, Referral, Follow-up and outreach
- Exceptional Family member
- EFAC for Natural Disaster
Additional Services Provided:
- Military benefits
- Education Questions
- Reintegration Issues
- Family Care Plan Review
- Chaplain referrals
- Job Search Opportunites