Tuesday, March 25, 2025

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The mission of the Lycoming County Re-entry Coalition is to facilitate and support the successful return of incarcerated individuals to the community. In partnership with government entities, faith and community-based organizations, and other stakeholders, the Reentry Coalition will utilize a holistic approach that includes an emphasis on education, families, health services, treatment, employment, mentorship and housing.  In pursuing this mission, we shall improve lives, reduce recidivism, and enhance public safety. 


Lycoming County Reentry Coalition is having their next meeting in person on Wednesday March 15, 2023 from 12:00pm to 1:00pm.  It will be held on the 3rd floor of the James V. Brown Library and lunch will be provided..

Anyone interested in attending the meeting can reach out to Nicholas Henning by phone, 570-323-1274 or email, nicholas.henning@geogroup.com in order to receive a link/call in number for the meeting.

2023 Re-Entry Coalition Goals

  • Hold a resource/career fair to enhance community collaboration and provide knowledge on hiring people involved in the criminal justice system
  • Begin and promote a clothing drive to provide better resources for individuals getting released from incarceration
  • Promote reentry coalition to community members through local organizations to enhance engagement and attendance at quarterly meetings
  • Reevaluate and rewrite the five-year strategic plan through 2027 to include all updates and necessary data

Nicole English, Re-Entry Program Manager

Lycoming County Re-entry Coalition Five Year Strategic Plan through 2021


Please continue to check this website for updated information on the Re-Entry Coalition's progress as we move forward into 2023.  This strategic plan will be updated within the next couple of months. 


Subcommittees of the Lycoming County Re-Entry Coalition




a. Develop a comprehensive assessment process to identify those inmates most likely to retain employment gained through work release


a. Develop soft skills training to be offered at PRC

b. Identify and implement a suitability/soft skills assessment

c. Develop internal process to identify those inmates most likely to succeed on work release


a. Increase number of inmates leaving with jobs or employed within 60 days.


a. Identify employer partners

b. Offer employer seminars to educate employers on re-entry including employer testimonials

c. Engage organizations such as; SHRM & Chamber


a. Increase employer awareness/education on risk/reward of hiring ex-offenders to increase job placement rates.


a. Develop additional job readiness and soft skills training to be offered at PRC b. Give inmates an appointment for the Careerlink that is within 48 hours of release c. develop internal procedures to ensure all PRC inmates have a resume template prior to release



Mental Health Focused Goals:

a. Identify high risk / high need offenders with significant Mental Health and Substance Abuse needs

i. Once identified increase access to MH/SA treatment and follow up for those interested or court ordered to treatment

b. Provide opportunities prior to release to engage in MH/SA Treatment and establish community connections for reentry

Substance Abuse Focused Goals:

a. Increase access of Vivitrol at LCP

b. Expansion of treatment services at LCP

c. Expand the Jail to Treatment Program

d. Improve Coordination of Services for those being released

e. Identify potential funding sources

f. Improve communication amongst state holders

g. Monitor outcomes

h. Work with Alkermes representative to obtain Vivitrol for LCP

i. Start Inmates on Vivitrol prior to release

j. Arrange for continuing care prior to release

k. Identify/Utilize a Mobile Case Manager (WBDAAC)

l. Develop curriculum for treatment services to be provided at LCP

Objectives for Mental Health:

a. Increase use of all tools to quickly identify this targeted population

b. Increase Mental Health First Aid(MHFA) training for prison staff, volunteers and MH Forensic Peer Support Specialist

c. Increase access to MH insurance coverage

d. Coordinate referrals for MH treatment and medications

e. Increase community MH resources coming into the prison

f. Increase community MH resource connections outside the prison

Objectives for Substance Abuse:

Mobile Case Manager will attend PV hearings to identify appropriate individuals for programs and expedite assessments

i. Hold semi- annual meetings for stakeholders

ii. Track number of individuals placed into programming




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