Emergency Medical Services

LTS Regional EMS Staff
Business Hours: Monday - Friday 0830-1630
Willam D. Miller Paula Raemsch Amber Snyder
Director Regional Training Coordinator Regional Field Coordinator
Email: wmiller@lyco.org Email: praemsch@lyco.org Email: asnyder@lyco.org
Phone: 570-329-4726 Phone: 570-329-4725 Phone: 570-329-4729
Fax: 570-433-4435 Fax: 570-433-4435 Fax: 570-433-4435
There are 13 Regional EMS Councils in the Commonwealth that administer the EMS Program for the Department of Health as promulgated by Pennsylvania's Act 37 which was signed into law on August 18, 2009 (Replacing Act 45 of 1984).
The Lycoming County Commissioners are the Department of Health contract holders for the Regional EMS Council of Lycoming, Tioga, and Sullivan Counties. The Department of Emergency Services, as agents of the PA Department of Health administer the local EMS program.

EMS Voluntary Event Notification Tool

E.V.E.N.T. is a tool designed to improve the safety, quality and consistent delivery of all Emergency Medical Services (EMS) by ground, air and water ambulance services operating in all delivery models. It collects data submitted anonymously by EMS practitioners. The data collected will be used to develop policies, procedures and training programs to improve the safe delivery of EMS. A similar system used by airline pilots has led to important airline system improvements based upon pilot reported "near miss" situations and errors.
Final Report - Senate Resolution 6
A bipartisan commission appointed by the General Assembly of Pennsylvania has issued its final report acknowledging the crisis that Emergency Services is facing and offering support in the form of 27 specific recommendations.