The County of Lycoming thanks all interested parties for submitting pre-applications for American Rescue Plan Act funding. The pre-applications window is now closed, and submissions will be undergoing review until the end of April. Applications that are deemed compliant with the rules set forth by the federal government and competitive in terms of need/efficiency of proposed use will be invited to submit a formal application in the April/May timeframe. Please be aware that requested amounts have far exceeded our total funding, and submitting a pre-application does not necessarily guarantee an award. Please check back here frequently for additional updates about the County’s APRA program.
The Lycoming County Planning & Community Development Department invites you to our web page. Our dedicated, professional staff strives to consistently provide excellence in the delivery of our products, programs and services—many of which are highlighted on this page. We serve the residents and business of Lycoming County, our municipal leaders, County Commissioners and community as well as state and federal organizations.Welcome
Jenny Picciano, AICP
Assess, analyze, plan & implement in support of our quality of life.
To be the county of choice to live, work and play.