Pennsylvania Housing Affordability and Rehabilitation Enhancement Fund (PHARE)
Background: The Pennsylvania Housing Affordability and Rehabilitation Enhancement Fund (PHARE) is a statewide fund that provides funding to support the creation, rehabilitation, and support of affordable housing in Pennsylvania. The PHARE Program is administered by Pennsylvania Housing Finance Authority (PHFA) and was established by Act 105 of 2010 (the "PHARE Act").
Since 2012, the PHARE program has gained funds through Impact Fees imposed on nonconventional natural gas wells in the Commonwealth. This Marcellus Shale (Act 13) Fund provides an annual allocation of $5 million into the PHARE Program with the potential for additional revenues when funds remain following eligible disbursements to qualifying municipalities. These funds are made available for competitive application to counties experiencing natural gas well drilling. To date, Lycoming County has secured $12.6 milion in PHARE funds to support affordable housing.
Additional information about the PHARE program, including previously funded projects, is available on PHFA’s website: http://www.phfa.org/legislation/act105.aspx.
Lycoming County PHARE Program: Lycoming County has utilized PHARE funds to support a variety of affordable housing projects and initiatives throughout Lycoming County. This includes:
*** 2024 PHARE Funding Opportunity*** - New
Eligible Applicants: Lycoming County municipalities, non-profit and community organizations, for-profit housing providers and developers. Note: Individuals are not eligible for PHARE funds.
Applications due: October 18, 2024
2024 Application materials:
Other Housing Support Programs
STEP, Inc. - Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP)
Lycoming County and STEP, Inc. have received funding for rental assistance due to COVID-19 crisis. Renters in need of assistance can apply to the Lycoming-Clinton Counties Commission for Community Action (STEP), Inc. for assistance. Applications and instructions are available online at https://www.stepcorp.org/lycorent/.
PHFA Housing Mortgage/Rental Relief Program (CARES ACT funds)
The Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency provides additional funding for residential relief: https://www.phfa.org/pacares/.
Housing Studies and Assistance Programs
The Impact of Marcellus Shale in Lycoming County (2012)
Williamsport Housing Strategy
The Williamsport Housing Strategy (2012) is a three-phase housing development on a 3.5 acre set of adjacent properties in Williamsport.

Formerly known as Brodart Brownfield project.
Movie #1 (about 4 minutes)PA DCED’s Extreme Makeover Competition—The Brodart SiteState Brownfield Conference—Pittsburgh PA—December 2012
Movie #2 (about 9 minutes)
Williamsport Housing Strategy
Commissioner Wheeland Presentation to City Council—June 2013
Brodart Neighborhood Improvement Project
The County, City, STEP, and Habitat for Humanity have partnered together to bring to you the Brodart Neighborhood Improvement Program.