Zoning Administration
Please note, we do not accept applications for some municipalities in the county. Please check this map to see if your construction site falls in an area we serve.
The Permit Application must be filled out in its entirety (front and back), signed and dated. Payment must be included with permit either by cash, check or credit card before it can be processed for review. You can submit permits by mail to Lycoming County Zoning, 48 W. Third St., Williamsport, PA 17701, in person at 33 W. Third St, 3rd Floor (Third Street Plaza), Williamsport, PA 17701 or email to lycoplan@lyco.org. If emailing your Permit Application, please note in body of email how you plan to pay, we do accept credit cards over the telephone or we can email you directions on how to pay online.
All applications require a plot plan. Make certain to download this plot plan, fill out, scan and attach to the application.
County Zoning Maps - Partner Municipalities
Zoning Hearing Board
To promote the health, safety, and general welfare of the present and future inhabitants of the County by providing for a rational and orderly pattern of land use, preserving and protecting the County’s natural resources, creating an environment that is reasonably safe from floods and other dangers, and stabilizing the property values of land and buildings.
- William J. Klein, Chairman (Moreland Twp) Term expires 12/31/2025
- Stephan Brady, Vice-Chairman (Gamble Twp) Term expires 12/31/2025
- Leslie Whitehill, Secretary (Salladasburg Boro) Term expires 12/31/2028
- Dan Clark, Member (McIntyre Twp) Term expires 12/31/2025
- Howard Fry, III, Alternate Member (Cogan House Twp) 12-31-2026
- George (Herman) Logue, Member (Gamble Twp) Term expires 12/31/2026
- Mark Haas, Development Services Supervisor
- David Hubbard, Zoning Administrator
- Fred A. Holland, J.D., ZHB Solicitor
Next Meeting
The next scheduled Zoning Hearing Board meeting is Wednesday, March 26, 2025
March Agenda to be posted at a later date
Meetings are held on the 4th Wednesday of every month, from 6:00pm to 7:00pm, at Third Street Plaza, 33 W. Third Street. 3rd floor, Commissioners Board Room.
Meeting Minutes - Meetings held within the last six months.
Recent Zoning Amendments
Occasionally, county staff identifies ordinance amendments that are needed to clarify requirements, address inconsistencies, make the zoning ordinance consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, or address uses which are not yet provided for. Below is a list of amendments to the Lycoming County Zoning Ordinance which have enacted since 2018. If you have any questions about the attached amendments please contact Mark Haas at 570-320-2146.
Pending Ordinance Amendments