Market Square, Williamsport; prior to 1880 The Million Dollar House, Williamsport; built in 1866,
demolished in 1927
Lycoming County Heritage Plan
The Lycoming County Department of Planning & Community Development is updating the County’s historic Preservation Plan, last completed in 1974. The update, the Lycoming County Heritage Plan, will identify historic resources in the county. A historic resource can be any building, site, structure, or district over 50 years old that is associated with a distinct architectural style, event, architect, and/or person or is an important local connection to the past.
Lycoming County Historic Structures Survey (2015)
In 2015, the County of Lycoming completed historic structure surveys for sites in Jersey Shore, Montgomery, Muncy Borough, and Williamsport in order to begin to review, refine, and amend the county’s1971 inventory of historic sites and landmarks. The resulting reports are initial assessments of the County's historic resources and will guide the development of an updated, county-wide historic resource inventory.
Williamsport Historic Structures Survey.pdf
County Historic Structures Survey Part 1.pdf
County Historic Structures Survey Part 2.pdf
County Historic Structures Survey Part 3.pdf
Lycomap Gallery - Heritage Plan
Use this interactive map to view sites listed in the County’s 1971 historic resource inventory, 1974 historic preservation plan, and the 2015 Williamsport Historic Structures Survey. Additional countywide sites from the 2015 Historic Structures Survey will be added soon. The map also includes sites listed on the National Register of Historic Places and historic districts in Jersey Shore, Muncy, and Williamsport.
Note: This is a draft map that may not accurately reflect the location of all sites. Please contact our office if you have additional site information or notice any discrepancies.
Local Historical Societies and Organizations
Lumber Heritage Region
The Lumber Heritage Region is one of 12 designated Heritage Areas in Pennsylvania. It covers a 15-county area in northcentral PA, including Lycoming County. The goal of the heritage program is to promote economic development, partnerships, cultural conservation, recreation and open space, and education and interpretation. The Lumber Heritage Region seeks to preserve, relate, and enhance the history and heritage of the people and their relationship with the Pennsylvania Forests.
Historic Preservation Information
Maintaining Historic Properties
Jenny Picciano, Community Development /LeadPlanner