Saturday, July 27, 2024

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American Rescue Plan Act Funds (ARPA) Funding Request

The County was awarded $22 million in ARPA funds through the PA Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) to address the impacts of COVID-19, which was transferred to the County in two installments in May 2021 and May of 2022.

Since then, in effort to assess where best to prioritize and address the County's local recovery needs, the Board of Commissioners set up an on-line funding request website to facilitate capturing the community's need. As a result of these outreach efforts, the County received 119 outside requests for funding, totaling $54,601,060. Additionally, County Departments also submitted 55 requests, totaling $24,719,712. The County has been working to develop and fund grants based on this feedback. 

Please visit the ARPA HUB site for more information on our progress. This HUB site will continuously be updated as progress is made on this initiative. 

Please email if you have any questions or need additional information.

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