Saturday, March 29, 2025

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Transfer Station

Transfer Station

ELECTRONIC RECYCLING COLLECTIONS FOR THE TRANSFER STATION – Transfer Station will no longer accept TVs, Computers, or Computer accessories. Collections will continue at the landfill location for residents only (no businesses, organizations, institutions, etc.). Recycling TVs, Computers, and Computer accessories (keyboards, mice, speakers, desktop printers) are accepted ONLY from residents at no cost. No other electronic device is available for recycling at this facility. To recycle- bring TVs, Computer, and/or Computer accessories to the Landfill location (447 Alexander Drive in Montgomery) and stop at the scale house.

FREON CONTAINING APPLIANCE COLLECTIONS FOR THE TRANSFER STATION – Freon containing appliance collection will also be suspended upon Transfer Station reopening. Transfer station will no longer accept the following Freon containing appliances: refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners, and dehumidifiers. All listed items can be brought to the Landfill location (447 Alexander Drive in Montgomery). Fee schedule for items is listed at under “Landfill” and “Fee Schedule”. 



The County of Lycoming's Transfer Station is located at 1475 West Third Street in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. The transfer station services the residences and haulers of Williamsport and surrounding municipalities of Lycoming County. The transfer station opened in 1978 and currently accepts on average, 40 tons per day.

Operating hours are Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.* and Saturday 8:30 a.m. until 12:00 p.m*. Please call 570-326-9745 for further information. *Last inbounds are accepted 15 minutes prior to closing, gates close at this time. 

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