Saturday, March 29, 2025

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Fee Schedule

Transfer Station Fee Schedule Fees Effective January 1, 2025 (Rates; Definitions)

(downloadable 2025 Fee Schedule)
(Updated 2025 Fee Schedule - Effective March 1, 2025)

(HOURS:  Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:00 pm, Saturday 8:30 am - 12:00 pm
LOCATION:  1475 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701
MAILING ADDRESS:  P.O. Box 187, Montgomery, PA 17752
PHONE:  (570) 326-9745
BILLING QUESTIONS:  (800) 326-9571
FAX:  (570) 326-4030


Please Note

A MINIMUM fee of $23.00 is charged on EACH transaction



Municipal Solid Waste


Customer Type Disposal Fee
Cash Customers $78.50Ton
Individual Accounts $65.50/Ton
Commercial Business Accts $65.50/Ton
Commercial Hauling Enterprise $65.50/Ton
Certified Waste Haulers $60.50/Ton
Plus Oversized Fees Under 6.99 Tons - No Oversized Fees
  Between 7 Tons and 7.99 Tons - $127.50 Per Load
  Between 8 Tons and 8.99 Tons - $152.50 Per Load
  Between 9 Tons and 9.99 Tons - $177.50 Per Load
  Between 10 Tons and 10.99 Tons - $202.50 Per Load
  Between 11 Tons and 11.99 Tons - $227.50 Per Load
  Over 12.00 Tons - $252.50 Per Load


Please utilize the Landfill Facility to take advantage of volume discounts for larger loads and large containers.



Miscellaneous Service Fees (See Definitions)


White Goods without Refrigerant: No Charge with certification of evacuation by authorized vendor
White Goods containing Refrigerant: No longer accepted at the Transfer Station
Tires: Car and Small Truck: (P&LT Series) $9.50 each
Tires: Truck Size: (R Series 17" to 24.5") $12.50 each
Tires: Tractor / Heavy Equipment Size: (> 24.5") Not accepted at this site

Bulk loads of Tires are not accepted at this facility but will be accepted at the Lycoming County Landfill.


The following wastes are not acceptable at the Transfer Station:  asbestos waste, industrial/residual waste, concrete slabs larger than 12” square, poles longer than 4’, metal pipe or steel that can be recycled, loads of shingles weighing more than 7 tons, any vehicle/container combination which doesn’t fully fit on the scales.  Due to the nature and type of equipment at the Transfer Station, all incoming loads are subject to inspection by the station operator for acceptance.  RMS will accept these loads at the Lycoming County Landfill.  Bulk loads of tires are not accepted at this facility but will be accepted at the Lycoming County Landfill.  Loads in excess of 12 tons will be accepted at the Lycoming County Landfill without oversized fees.  White goods containing refrigerant will be accepted at the Lycoming County Landfill.  See landfill fee schedule for additional details.



Certified Waste Hauler

A business enterprise trading in the solid waste industry, utilizing commercial grade solid waste industry vehicles (which includes one or more of the following: Packer, Roll-off Vehicle, Truck Tractor/Combinations) in the performance of their service for at least 75% of disposal transactions on a monthly basis, are subject to the PaDEP’s rules and regulations, and conform to PA Code, Title 25, Chapter 285 – Storage, Collection, and Transportation Regulations, for collection and transportation of solid waste. Certified Waste Haulers are also required to carry automobile liability insurance with a combined single limit of $1,000,000.  Hauler agrees to allow placement of a vehicle identifying sticker on each vehicle at a location easily viewable by weighmasters and chosen by RMS personnel.

Commercial Hauling Enterprise

A business enterprise, trading in the solid waste industry utilizing vehicles capable of mechanically dumping or discharging the waste from the vehicle (which includes dump trucks but excludes dumping trailers regardless of the vehicle they are attached to), in the performance of their service for at least 50% of disposal transactions on a monthly basis.  These business enterprises are subject to the PaDEP’s rules and regulations for collection and transportation of solid waste, and utilize LCRMS facilities at least three times per week and dispose at least 1,000 pounds, (.5 tons) of waste per transaction on average.  Commercial Hauling Enterprises are also required to carry automobile liability insurance with a combined single limit of $1,000,000.  Hauler agrees to allow placement of a vehicle identifying sticker on each vehicle at a location easily viewable by weighmasters and chosen by RMS personnel.

Commercial Business Accounts

Commercial enterprises, or non-profit enterprises including municipalities, schools, hospitals, and government agencies, that do not trade for profit in the solid waste industry, do not generate or dispose of industrial residual wastes.  Commercial Business Accounts are required to carry automobile liability insurance with a combined single limit of $1,000,000 if they own vehicles that may be used in transportation for disposal at LCRMS facilities.  Otherwise, must show proof of required insurance for each hauler this account utilizes for disposal transportation.  If customer is hauler they agree to allow placement of a vehicle identifying sticker on each vehicle at a location easily viewable by weighmasters and chosen by RMS personnel.

Industrial Generator Accounts

A person generating and disposing approved waste through LCRMS’s Form R, Waste Acceptance Plan.  Industrial Generator Accounts delivering approved waste in their own vehicles are required to carry automobile liability insurance with a combined single limit of $1,000,000 if they own vehicles that may be used in transportation for disposal at LCRMS facilities.  Otherwise, must show proof of required insurance for each hauler this account utilizes for disposal transportation.  If customer is hauler they agree to allow placement of a vehicle identifying sticker on each vehicle at a location easily viewable by weighmasters and chosen by RMS personnel.

Individual Accounts

Persons requesting an account who do not meet any of the above account types and/or do not qualify due to lack of insurance and/or lack of defined equipment or utilization of equipment, and who utilize LCRMS facilities at least once per week and dispose at least 700 pounds, (.35 tons), of waste per transaction on average.  If customer is hauler they agree to allow placement of a vehicle identifying sticker on each vehicle at a location easily viewable by weighmasters and chosen by RMS personnel.

White Goods

Appliances not containing freon and other salvageable materials including, washing machines, dryers, dehumidifiers, dishwashers (with metal frames), hot water heaters, stoves, sheet iron, tin, and steel auto parts.


The Lycoming County Resource Management Services facilities will be closed on the following listed Holidays:

New Year’s Day, Wednesday, January 1, 2025
Memorial Day, Monday, May 26, 2025
Independence Day, Friday, July 4, 2025
Labor Day, Monday, September 1, 2025
Veterans Day, Tuesday, November 11, 2025
Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 27, 2025
Christmas Day, Thursday, December 25, 2025



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