What is Recyclable?

Christmas Lights - http://www.holidayleds.com/christmas-light-recycling-program.aspx
Battery Recycling Programs - https://www.call2recycle.org/locator/; www.lcrms.com/batteries
Cell Phone - https://www.call2recycle.org/locator/ ; https://locations.ecoatm.com/pa/montoursville/sell-my-phone-montoursville-pa-6461.html
Printer Cartridge – take back to Staples, or FREE mail-in program at www.PlanetGreenRecycle.com
Plastic bags - Take your plastic bags back to any local participating grocery store, such as Weis Markets, Giant Food, Wal-Mart, Lowe's, Bi-Lo Foods, and Target.
Prescription Drug Take-Back locations - https://www.ddap.pa.gov/Get%20Help%20Now/Pages/Find-a-Drug-Take-Back-Location.aspx
Pill Bottle Recycling - http://m25m.org/pillbottles/
Fluorescent Bulbs - Schaedler Yesco has a mail-in program https://www.sydist.com/Services/Recycling-Services
Light Bulbs - There are many mail-in programs that accept light bulbs for a fee, here is one option. https://ezontheearth.com/; Lowe's accepts CFL light bulbs, drop off near service desk.
Cooking oil - Susquehanna Smart Fuels located at Radio Club Road, Montoursville will accept cooking oil. Contact them at 570-433-3595.
Ridged Styrofoam - is accepted at HandUp Foundation, located in Milton http://www.handupfoundation.org/recycling.html and accepted at Foam Fabricators located at 17 Industrial Drive in Bloomsburg.
Item not listed?
Try using this search to find a location - https://search.earth911.com/
Or call the LCRMS recycling hotline – (800) 736-7559