Saturday, March 01, 2025

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Federal Grant For Water Project

Peterson Announces $434,000 Federal Grant For Water Project In Lycoming County

Congressman Peterson delivers a significant contribution to the Jersey Shore Area Joint Waer Authority's water projects
Congressman Peterson delivers a significant contribution to the Jersey Shore Area Joint Waer Authority's water projects
(image courtesy Williamsport Sun-Gazette)

Williamsport, PA – U.S. Congressman John Peterson (R-PA/5) was in Lycoming County today to announce the award of a federal grant to the County of Lycoming for $433,900 to help fund the construction of a 750,000-gallon water tank at the Jersey Shore Area Joint Water Authority’s Filtration Plant located on Larrys Creek.

“Improving water infrastructure to enhance public safety, increase fire protection and stimulate economic growth is a threefold benefit that makes this a wise federal investment for the citizens and businesses of Jersey Shore and western Lycoming County,” said Congressman Peterson, who secured the grant in the 2004 federal appropriations process.  “County and local officials have worked diligently to develop a water project that is ‘shovel ready,’ and I am delighted to be able to support their efforts with this federal funding.”  Peterson is a member of the Appropriations Committee.

Congressman Peterson
Congressman John Peterson presents a $433,900 check to the County Commissioners to assist the Jersey Shore Area Joint Water Authority in construction of a water infrastructure project at the Larry's Creek Filtration Plant. Joining the Congressman are Commissioner Nassberg, Commissioner Burke on his right and Commissioner Larson on the far left. Also attending the ceremony were representative of the Authority and the Boroughs of Jersey Shore and Salladasburg.

The existing water storage tank is a 75,000-gallon vessel and was constructed in 1914 of stone and masonry.  The current tank is in dire need of replacement due to its age and longevity.  Moreover, its small size limits the Authority’s day-to-day operations for adequate storage capacity.  The new tank is a ten-fold increase in storage capacity, providing the Authority the capability to do maintenance at the adjacent filtration plant in a more efficient manner while also offering more flexibility and operational safety.  This larger tank will also provide a measured increase in fire-fighting capability.

When completed, the new tank will serve seven municipalities: Jersey Shore Borough, Salladasburg Borough, Mifflin Township, Porter Township, Piatt Township Nippenose Township, Anthony Township and Pine Creek Township.  In sum, over 2,500 residential, commercial and industrial customers in the Jersey Shore area will now be better served.

Congressman John Peterson
Congressman John Peterson (sporting the new ball cap) shares a proud moment with Mike Zellers, Executive Director of the Jersey Shore Area Joint Water Authority

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