On this page, you will find various Lycoming County Courts legal forms. These packets can also be found in the law library
and are provided one per filing. The law library staff cannot provide legal advice (see disclaimer) but they can assist in filling
out the forms. You can stop in during regular operating hours or make an appointment.
Use these forms at your own risk – as they may or may not be appropriate in your particular case. It is strongly recommended you seek legal advice and obtain the services of an attorney.
To Find an Attorney...
Please visit the Lycoming Law Association’s website at
To Find Out if You Qualify for FREE Legal Aid...
If you are financially unable to afford the services of an attorney, you can find out if you are eligible for
North Penn Legal Services by completing an intake form via phone by calling...
Toll Free: 1-877-953-4250, or click the below link...
It is recommeneded that the video in the below link be viewed prior to filling out a custody packet.
North Penn Legal Services Video Workshops
Includes: Lycoming County Custody Video, Custody Update 2014, Renting an Apartment, Protection From Abuse Issues,
Have you Considered Mediation, Bankruptcy: What it Really Means, The District Justice Hearing, Common Landlord-Tenant Myths, Fair Housing, and
Preparing for your Disability Hearing.
The custody packets include instructions on how to fill out the forms and how to file with the Prothonotary.
Custody Complaint Flow Chart: A flow chart which outlines the legal process you will go through from the filng of a complaint through entry of a final court order.
Custody Complaint Flow Chart
Stipulation to Custody: When the parties are in agreement about custody, this kit gives the parties the paperwork to write up their custody agreement and have it turned into a court order without coming to court. This kit can be used for a new custody order, or to modify an exisiting custody order.
Stipulation to Custody Kit (Rev. 1/25)
Complaint for Custody: To ask for some type of custody when there is no existing custody order.
Complaint for Custody Kit (Rev. 1/25)
Modification of Custody Kit: To ask that an existing custody order be changed.
Modification of Custody Kit (Rev. 1/25)
Petition for Special Relief: To ask the court to make a decision when the parties are in disagreement over a particular issue, such as where the child should go to school or whether the child should play a sport. NOTE: To use this form, there must be an existing custody order in place.
Petition for Special Relief Kit (Rev. 1/25)
Contempt of Custody Kit: To ask the court to enforce a custody order or punish a party for violating an existing custody order.
Contempt of Custody Kit (Rev. 1/25)
Petition to Intervene and Modify: For a third party, who is not the parent, to request some type of custody, where there is already a custody order between the parents. (If there is not an order between the parents, the third party must instead file a Complaint for Custody and name both parents as the defendants; the third party will be responsible for serving the paperwork on both parents.) Also read the Rules of Standing Information Kit, below.
Petition to Intervene and Modify Custody Kit (Rev. 1/25)
Custody Relocation Kit: To file for permission to relocate your child(ren).
Custody Relocation Kit (Rev. 1/25)
Custody Pre-Trial Memo: Forms to file a Pre-trial Memo with the Prothonotary.
Custody Pre-trial Memo (Rev. 12/18)
Rules of Standing Information Kit: Rules about who can file for custody. This is recommended reading for third parties who are not parents of the child but wish to file for custody of the child.
Rules of Standing for Custody (Rev. 7/18)
Motion to Transfer Venue in a custody case: Use these forms to ask the court to transfer an existing custody case to another county when the children no longer live in Lycoming County.
Motion to Transfer Venue in a Custody Case Kit
Custody Trial Preparation Self-Help Kit: Instructions and forms for the documents required by a custody pre-trial order to be submitted prior to a custody trial.
Trial Preparation Self-Help Kit
Praecipe to Withdrawal Custody Filing: Use this form to ask the courts to withdrawal an already filed custody motion.
Conference Withdrawal Form
Domestic Relations - DRO Information and Forms
Filing Exceptions: To appeal a Support Order (child support, spousal support, alimony pendent lite) issued by a Family Court Hearing Officer.
Filing Exceptions to a Support Order Kit (Rev. 5/20)
Lycoming County 3301(c)(1) Divorce Self-Help Kit (rev. 1/25) - instructions and forms specific to Lycoming County for divorces under Section 3301(c)(1), consent. Use this kit where both parties agree to be divorced and will cooperate in the signing of the necessary documents.
Lycoming County 3301(d) Divorce Self-Help Kit with Complaint (rev. 1/25) - instructions and forms specific to Lycoming County for divorces under Section 3301(d), one-year separation. Use this kit where the parties have been separated one year and no Complaint has been filed yet.
NOTE: You may file a divorce complaint under 3301(d) before the one-year separation period is up, but will have to wait until the one-year separation period is up before you may proceed with the remaining steps beyond the filing of the Complaint.
Praecipe to Withdraw Divorce Complaint - use this form if you wish to withdraw a divorce complaint in its entirety
Praecipe to Withdraw Claim for Equitable Distribution - use this form to withdraw a claim for equitable distribution raised in a previously-filed divorce complaint
Steps to file for Divorce when Spouse cannot be Located - follow these steps when you have been separated more than one year and have not yet filed and served the Complaint and cannot locate your spouse (you will also need the 3301(d) Divorce Self-Help Kit)
Steps to finalize divorce when Spouse cannot be Located - follow these steps when the Complaint has already been filed and served and you have been separated more than one year but now spouse cannot be located to finalize the divorce (you will also need the 3301(d) Divorce Self-Help Kit)
Emanicpation is the legal process by which a person under 18 years of age (a minor) is granted the legal status of an adult. In Pennsylvania, there is no general emancipation statute which explains procedures to follow to obtain that legal status.
Forms of sample petitions do not exist and instructions to obtain emancipation cannot be provided. If you have any questions regarding an emancipation issue, you should consult an attorney.
Protection From Abuse (PFA) Contempt Packet
Petition to terminate, modify, or extend PFA
To learn about protection from abuse orders, please visit the Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania website at...
Entry of Appearance as a Self-Represented Party
Criminal Record/ Abuse History Verification
Certificate of Service Form for Civil Case Documents Other than Original Process
Praecipe to Reinstate Complaint
Motion Cover Sheet
Monitoring Notice
Civil Cover Sheet
Continuance Request Form Civil and Family
Continuance Request Form Civil and Family - fillable form
Continuance Request Form Criminal
Continuance Request Form Criminal - fillable form
Continuance Request Form Orphan's Court
Continuance Request Form Orphan's Court - fillable form
Confidential Document Form
Confidential Information Form
Transcript Request Self-Help Kit
Transcript Request Form
Orphans' Court Cover Sheet
Petition to Proceed Without Payment of Fees and Costs (IFP)
Praecipe to Settle & Discontinue
Praecipe to Withdraw Civil Complaint
Filing an Appeal to Superior or Commonwealth Court
Serving a Subpoena to Produce Documents or Things
Filing a Motion - use this form to file a motion with the court. Includes motion cover sheet, to be attached to the front of the motion.
Recusal Motion - use this form to request a judge to recuse himself/herself from your case.
Petition for Permission to file Nunc Pro Tunc - use this petition when you have missed the deadline for filing and wish to ask the court to allow you to file late. You must provide "good cause" for the delay. You must attach a motion cover sheet (included) to the front of the petition and the document you wish to file late to the back.
Motion for Reconsideration - use this motion when you wish to ask the judge to reconsider an Order that was already entered. Be aware there are time limits on filing such a motion, usually thirty days from entry of the order, unless otherwise provided by law.
Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) (Rev. 7/16/2021)
This program is available for renters of residential properties at risk of eviction or utility shutoffs due to hardship caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
For more information, CLICK HERE.
How to Apply:
Pennsylvanians can learn more about how to apply in their specific county at www.dhs.pa.gov/erap.
Notice of Appeal from Magisterial District Justice Judgment (form)
Praecipe to Strike Appeal
Appeal from Arbitration - use this form to file an appeal from an award of a Board of Arbitrators
Filing a Civil Complaint in the Court of Common Pleas
Notice to Defend (attach to civil complaint filed in common pleas court)
Verification (attach to civil complaint filed in common pleas court)
Preparing an Answer
Appealing a Magisterial District Judge Money Judgment (not an eviction) (Rev. 04/22)
Appealing an eviction - (Rev. 4/22)
How to file a civil complaint in Magisterial District Judge Court rev. 12-23
Defending yourself in Magisterial District Judge Court
How to file an eviction action in Magisterial District Judge Court rev. 9-23
Representing yourself in an eviction in Magisterial District Judge Court
How to file an ejectment action in Common Pleas Court
Wage Attachment Self-Help Kit rev. 4-23 - to collect money judgment arising out of residential lease only
Praecipe for Termination of Supersedeas
Motion to Release Funds Self-Help Kit
Praecipe for Writ of Execution
Security deposit kit
Unemployment Compensation- Appealing a denial
Stopping debt collection harassment
Filing a petition for appeal from suspension of driver's license or registration (Rev. 03/21)
Filing a petition for appeal from suspension of Inspection Mechanic/Station Certificate (Rev. 03/21)
Petition for Court Order Respecting Title to a Motor Vehicle (Rev. 5/19)
Petition for Involuntary Commitment of a Minor for Substance Abuse Treatment Act 53 (Rev. 12/18)
Before filing a petition for involuntary commitment of a minor you must contact
West Branch Drug and Alcohol Abuse Commission, 213 W 4th Street, Williamsport, PA 17701 (570) 323-8543
Filing Notice of Appeal from Summary Criminal Conviction (Rev. 11/24)
Petition for Post-Conviction Collateral Relief
Petition for Early Release From Supervision self-help kit (rev. 1/21)
Expungement Self-Help Kit (Rev. 11/21)
Petition for Order For Limited Access Form
Proposed Order For Limited Access Form
Private criminal complaint form
Information on Expungements, Pardons, Limited Access and the "Clean Slate" program
Record Request Form
Mortgage Foreclosure Homeowner's Options
Hemap Consumer Credit Counseling Agencies
Annual Report of Guardian of the Estate
Annual Report of Guardian of the Person
Guardian's Inventory
Guardianship Handbook
Marriage Record Correction Self-Help Kit
Orphans' Court Cover Sheet
Filing a Motion - use these forms to file a motion in Orphans' Court
Adoption Self-Help Kit - to be used for adoption of the children of one spouse by the other spouse
Name Change Self-Help Kit for adults (rev. 08/21)
Name Change Self-Help Kit for minors (rev. 08/21)
Formulario de Queja (en español)
Bilingual Forms
Here you can find more forms used to conduct business with the Prothonotary's office.
"Pro se litigants” are individuals who are representing themselves in a legal proceeding.
The Lycoming County Law Library has organized materials and resources for individuals who choose to represent themselves in a legal matter. Individuals who represent themselves in court proceedings are referred to as “pro se,” which in Latin means “for self.” The information provided online and in the law library may not be appropriate for your situation. The law library does not provide legal advice and should not be substituted for legal advice. If you have legal questions, you should contact a lawyer. Pro se litigants are held to the same standards as attorneys admitted to the bar of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Representing yourself does not exempt you from understanding and following state-wide and local rules of court.