Thursday, March 13, 2025

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Helpful Links for Research

Here you can find links to helpful websites for legal research and local information.

The videos are provided by North Penn Legal Services.   Website for the Lycoming Law Association.  At the top, under "Public", you will find access to local court forms, various legal resources, consumer alerts, an explanation of the local fee dispute resolution process and information on renting the Law Association’s conference facilities.  This page contains the local rules of procedure for the Lycoming County Court of Common Pleas.  At the top, you will find a link to download a complete set of the rules in pdf format.  Website for the Pennsylvania Legal Aid Network.  This page provides a list of all legal aid network programs in Pennsylvania, with contact information and links to their websites.   This page provides access to appellate cases, statutes and constitutions for all 50 states plus five territories, as well as the federal constitution, federal statutes and federal appellate cases.   Website for the Pennsylvania Commission on Sentencing.  Provides access to the Pennsylvania Sentencing Guidelines.  This site provides information and resources addressing many common civil law issues, including consumer, healthcare, employment, public benefits, housing and children/families.   Website for North Penn Legal Services.  North Penn provides assistance to those residents of Lycoming and surrounding counties who qualify under Federal Poverty Guidelines. Custody video for Lycoming County.  Provides basic info about how a child custody dispute may be handled by the courts or through negotiation or mediation. Defines key terms. Examines factors parents must consider when deciding whether to file a petition for custody. Reviews common custody situations and what happens when a petition for custody has been filed. Can you file custody papers without a lawyer? Where do you file? When is the hearing? What happens at the hearing? Who makes the decision?  Website for the Pennsylvania Disciplinary Board.  Users may view the various rules and standards that apply to attorneys and judges, search for an attorney licensed in Pennsylvania, or file a complaint against an attorney licensed in Pennsylvania.  This page of the Pennsylvania General Assembly’s website provides access to the text of all of Pennsylvania’s statutes, and allows the user to search the statutes by title and section, or by keyword.  This website sets forth the text of the Pennsylvania Code, the Commonwealth's official publication of rules and regulations, as well as the Pennsylvania Bulletin, the Commonwealth’s official gazette for information and rulemaking.   The user may also search these two publications by keyword. The Family Law Section of the Pennsylvania Bar Association presents: Tips and Tools for Effective Co-Parenting



"Pro se litigants” are individuals who are representing themselves in a legal proceeding."

The Lycoming County Law Library has organized materials and resources for individuals who choose to represent themselves in a legal matter. Individuals who represent themselves in court proceedings are referred to as “pro se,” which in Latin means “for self.” The information provided online and in the law library may not be appropriate for your situation. The law library does not provide legal advice and should not be substituted for legal advice. If you have legal questions, you should contact a lawyer. Pro se litigants are held to the same standards as attorneys admitted to the bar of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Representing yourself does not exempt you from understanding and following state-wide and local rules of court.

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