Townships / Boroughs / Cities
Maps of Townships, Boroughs, and Cities can be found HERE.
The law library stores records of local ordinances for all the municipalities in Lycoming County inside the law library located in the Lycoming County Courthouse. The public is welcome to view the ordinances that are on file but are not permitted to take them out of the library.
Online Information
Some townships maintain websites where they keep meeting minutes and local ordinances for residents to look at. You can find a list of township websites at the bottom of this page. You can also check the E-code library to see if your township has any ordinances upoaded at:
Municipality Contact and Meeting Information
To find your Municipality's contact information, click the link below.
Contact Information
Links to Township Websites
Please note, some of the townships do not have a website and therefore are missing from this list.
The websites that are linked below are independently run and updated by each Township.
Armstrong Township
Brady Township
Brown Township
Clinton Township
Cogan House Township
Cummings Township
Eldred Township
Fairfield Township
Gamble Township
Hepburn Township
Limestone Township
Loyalsock Township
McHenry Township
Mifflin Township
Nippenose Township
Old Lycoming Township
Piatt Township
Pine Township
Plunketts Creek Township
Susquehanna Township
Upper Fairfield Township
Washington Township
Watson Township
Links to Borough Websites
Please note, some of the boroughs do not have a website and therefore are missing from this list.
The websites that are linked below are independently run and updated by each borough.
Duboistown Borough
Hughesville Borough
Jersey Shore Borough
Montgomery Borough
Montoursville Borough
Muncy Borough
South Williamsport Borough
Link to City Website
City of Williamsport
“Pro se litigants” are individuals who are representing themselves in a legal proceeding.
The Lycoming County Law Library has organized materials and resources for individuals who choose to represent themselves in a legal matter. Individuals who represent themselves in court proceedings are referred to as “pro se,” which in Latin means “for self.” The information provided online and in the law library may not be appropriate for your situation. The law library does not provide legal advice and should not be substituted for legal advice. If you have legal questions, you should contact a lawyer. Pro se litigants are held to the same standards as attorneys admitted to the bar of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Representing yourself does not exempt you from understanding and following state-wide and local rules of court.