Monday, March 31, 2025

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48 West Third Street        
Williamsport, PA 17701
Office: 570-327-2301
Fax: 570-327-2309
Hours: 8:30 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.               

Assessment Home
Appeals Rules
Clean and Green
Clean and Green Booklet
Forms and Applications
Important Dates
Other Useful Tax Information
Useful Links

Lycoming County Assessment Database

Assessment FAQ's


Frequently Asked Questions
What is Market Value?
            Market value has been defined by the State Supreme Court as “the price in a competitive market a purchaser, willing but not obligated to buy, would pay an owner, willing but not obligated to sell, taking into consideration all the legal uses to which the property can be adapted and might reasonably be applied.”
How do I determine what my taxes are?
            Assessed Value  X   Millage Rate =    Dollar Amount
                       $100,000  X  .02828          =    $2828
            You must also use the millage rate for which township/borough you reside in order to determine what your property taxes would be. Millages Sheets can be found under "Other Useful Tax Information."
How are millage rates determine?
            Millage rates are typically voted on by elected officials after calculating the required rate needed to generate enough tax revenue for the overall tax base to meet the budget.
What is an assessor’s role?
            The assessor’s duties are to discover, list and place a value on all real property in the county. The assessor is not involved in collecting property taxes.
When are county tax bills sent out?
            County tax bills are sent out the first week of March.
What will happen to my assessment if I make improvements to my property?
            Improvements generally speaking do increase the market value of a property. The following are some items that will increase the value of your property:
o       Additions
o       Outbuildings
o       Extensive remodeling
Where can I research assessments?
            Property records are open to the public at the Assessment Office, which is located at the Third Street Plaza, 5th floor, 33 W. Third St., Williamsport, PA 17701.
When was the last countywide reassessment?
            The last countywide reassessment was in 2004, and was effective for the 2005 tax year.
What programs are available to taxpayers to help with their property taxes?
            Veteran’s exemptions are available to 100% permanently disabled veterans. You may contact the Veterans Affairs office at 570-327-2365 for additional information and requirements.
            Property tax rebate forms are available for senior citizens age 65 or older, widows and widowers age 50 and older and people with disabilities age 18 and older. You may contact the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue at 570-988-5520 for more information on this program.

            The Homestead/Farmstead Exclusion is a way to provide school real estate tax relief to homeowners. The funds are derived from the gaming revenue in Pennsylvania. The only requirement to be eligible for the program is the property must be your primary residence where you reside. You may contact the Lycoming County Assessment Office at 570-327-2301 for more information. (Click here for the application)

For frequently asked questions about Homestead / Farmstead (Click here)

For frequently asked questions about Real Estate Appeals (Click here)

For frequently asked questions about Exemptions (Click here)

For frequently asked questions about Clean & Green (Click here)

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