Monday, March 31, 2025

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Commercial Recycling

Commercial Recycling

ATTENTION: Starting January 1, 2016, Lycoming County will be discontinuing commercial recycling collection for businesses located in municipalities not mandated by Act 101.

ATTENTION Mandated Communities: Starting January 1, 2016, Lycoming County will be discontinuing commercial collection for the following materials: cardboard, office paper, and plastic.

ATTENTION: Lycoming County encourages businesses to consider single stream collections. Please check with your current garbage hauler for details or visit our single stream website for a list of haulers.




The Lycoming County Resource Management Services – Recycling Division provides limited recycling services to business and industry in Lycoming County.  Our intent is to assist business and industry to meet the requirements of ACT 101,  in recycling mandated communities.  In Lycoming County, the “mandated” communities are:  The City of Williamsport, Loyalsock Township and South Williamsport Borough.

Act 101 requires businesses to recycle glass, steel cans, cardboard, high grade office paper, and aluminum cans.  The recycling of #1 plastic bottles, #2 plastic bottles, newsprint, and magazines is also recommended. Collection for all these materials are available through single stream recycling.

LCRMS will assign a customer to a route and a frequency of pick-up.  Most collections will be either weekly or bi-weekly.  Businesses are encouraged to maintain a contingency plan in case of special events such as banquets, conferences, or other events at their business to handle the overflow of recyclables. LCRMS cannot guarantee extra pickups based upon customer volume, weather, or maintenance related issues.


  1. LCRMS Recycling can provide 64 gallon wheeled tote for RECYCLABLES ONLY to businesses on an “as available” basis. LCRMS can provide a maximum of 5 totes per business, in complexes with multiple businesses sharing a common recycling area, LCRMS may provide additional totes/containers based upon availability.
  2. Products/materials may not be “mixed” in a tote/container. As an example, a container dedicated to brown glass may not have mixed green of clear glass or other products.
  3. Businesses may provide their own containers as long as they are marked RECYCLING and what material they are used for AND they are compatible with our tote lift system.  Several local home improvement, chain stores, and janitorial supply firms maintain these items on stock.
  4. The existing service area for commercial collections service is in City of Williamsport, Loyalsock Township, and South Williamsport Borough.
  5. The following pages include information about specific materials for collection.  Your cooperation with these guidelines is greatly appreciated.


LCRMS collects glass from local establishments to assist with meeting the requirements of Act 101.  Glass collected is limited to:  BROWN GLASS BOTTLES, CLEAR GLASS BOTTLES AND JARS, & GREEN GLASS BOTTLES.

The glass bottle recycling market is very limited in Pennsylvania.  As a general rule, only glass bottles can be accepted to be reused into making “new” bottles.  Other forms of glass are considered “contamination” and can cause an entire load to be rejected, adding great costs to the program.


  1. CLEAR GLASS BOTTLES AND JARS – Rinsed if possible, labels do not need to be removed.
  2. BROWN GLASS BOTTLES – Rinsed if possible, labels do not need to be removed.
  3. GREEN GLASS BOTTLES – Rinsed if possible, labels do not need to be removed.

WHAT NOT TO RECYCLE ( what is not accepted):

  1. Bar glass to include mugs, cups, shot glasses
  2. Window glass
  3. Light bulbs
  4. Candles in glass jars
  5. Any form of trash to include napkins, straws, paper cups…)
  6. Pyrex cookware, Vases, or any ceramic materials

Totes with mixed glass ( different colors in one container) and/or totes with non-acceptable items ( as listed above) will not be emptied by the LCRMS crew.  The driver will tag the container with a GREEN TAG if the material is not accepted for collections.

The business is responsible for emptying the container or removing the contaminants.

LCRMS reserves the right to limit or discontinue service for repeated violations.


Steel cans and Aluminum cans are collected as a part of the program.  A separate container/tote is required for each.

STEEL CANS should be rinsed and, if possible, flattened.  Labels may be left on. LCRMS only accepts steel cans of a five (5) gallon capacity or less (NO Barrels).

Steel Cans used for paint, tar, asphalt sealer or similar materials are not accepted for Recycling

ALUMINUM CANS – rinsed, if possible. Aluminum cans do not need to be flattened.

The recycling markets for metal cans is well established.  When recycling Aluminum, please follow these guidelines:

  1. NO Foil or “pie plates”
  2. No Plastics


If the material is delivered to a drop off site container by a customer, the material does not need to be bagged.  However, if you do transport materials to a drop off site, PLEASE do not leave the bags at the drop off site.

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