Water and Sewer Authority
Sewer, Water, and Stormwater Authority - Incorporated to undertake projects that are normal and incidental to the planning, creation, operation, maintenance or financing including but not limited to water supplies, water supply works, water distribution systems, sewer systems, sewage collection systems and sewage treatment plants including facilities for treating industrial waste; in 2015 added storm water planning, management, and implementation.
SEWER - Montoursville Borough, Fairfield Township, Muncy Township, Muncy Creek Township
SEWER - Armstrong Township
SEWER - Penn Township - Beaver Lake
SEWER - Mifflin Manor Development - Mifflin Township
WATER - Limestone Township
WATER - Fairfield & Muncy Townships
STORMWATER as well as SEWER Operation and Maintenance and Billing - Duboistown
STORMWATER as well as SEWER billing only South Williamsport.
Additional Support is provided to Muncy Creek Township Sewer Authority and Franklin Township – Lairdsville Sewer Project