Thursday, September 26, 2024

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Workplace Volunteerism Initiative
We are . . .
1.       North Central Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (NCVOAD) is a network of nearly forty community and faith-based organizations throughout a seven-county region of north central Pennsylvania. Those counties include Bradford, Clinton, Lycoming, Potter, Sullivan, Tioga, and Union. As the name implies, we are entirely dependent upon our generous service-minded volunteers. These volunteers are absolutely vital to our communities in a time of disaster.  
2.       The mission of NCVOAD is to foster efficient, streamlined service delivery to people affected by disaster. We do this by fostering working partnerships with member organizations and the greater community. One of the most important partnerships we have is with the business community. Why? Because our volunteers are also your employees.
3.       Disasters, by definition, are unpredictable. Our first job is to be prepared to respond quickly and efficiently. NCVOAD members possess a wide variety of resources which are critically needed in times of disaster. The two most valuable resources are the individual volunteer and his or her time. Our member organizations specialize in rescue services, shelter, feeding, clothing, mitigation services, clean-up and recovery services, child and elder care, transportation, grief counseling and much more. We are needed when disaster strikes, but we are only as effective as we are available
You can . . .
1.       Help NCVOAD by creating employee policies that enable our volunteers to respond to disasters. We are seeking to encourage community service minded employers to partner with NCVOAD to meet real needs at the most critical times of crisis by freeing up our most valuable assets: volunteers and their time.
2.       Many small, medium, and large businesses across the country have discovered the beauty and the benefits of creating and encouraging workplace volunteerism. We’re asking you, the employer, to take four important steps that will be a tremendous help to your community.
                        First, discover which of your employees are trained in disaster response.
                        Second, get educated about the possibilities and the benefits of workplace volunteerism.
                        Third, create policies that free up trained disaster volunteers to respond in the time of need.
                        Fourth, encourage your employees to become trained disaster volunteers.
Get educated . . .
Find out what fellow employers are doing to enable volunteers to serve. The following is a representative list of websites that have been created to help you implement workplace volunteerism policies. They may not be focused on disaster response, but they will help you help us help our community.
In addition to visiting these websites, ask your employees about ways you can strengthen their involvement in disaster relief. Visit our website to contact your County Emergency Management Coordinator, VOAD Committee Chairperson, or NCVOAD Chairperson about the scope and needs of disaster relief organizations in our region of the state. 
Benefits . . .
(An excerpt from
To the Community
  • Creates healthier communities by improving the overall quality of life
  • Helps address/solve vital social problems
  • Generates a renewed spirit of citizenship and civic pride
  • Provides new talent and ideas to meet community needs
  • Contributions increase the level and quality of community services
  • Opens lines of communication among various segments of the community
  • Strengthens the local economy
To the Employees
  • Strengthens employees' organizational, leadership, communications, financial management and decision-making skills
  • Encourages teamwork
  • Enables employees to develop new skills
  • Creates a better quality of life where employees live and work
  • Reduces stress and increases morale
  • Expands networking within the company
  • Increases employee awareness and interest in community issues
  • Generates an increased sense of patriotism, citizenship and civic pride
To the Company
  • Bolsters image as a "Good Corporate Citizen" and builds goodwill towards the company
  • Increases employee morale, loyalty and productivity
  • Creates teambuilding opportunities
  • Improves communications and relations between management and workforce
  • Generates recognition as a good place to work / "Employer of Choice"
  • Enhances/increases employee recruitment and retention
  • Creates ways to implement/address strategic business goals and objectives
  • Positively impacts profitability
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