Thursday, March 13, 2025

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Bridge Bundling

This is the first round of municipal owned structurally deficient bridges that will be repaired in a county-wide bridge bundling program. By bundling the bridge projects, multiple bridges can be designed and constructed concurrently rather than as single projects. It is anticipated that up to a 30% overall cost savings can be achieved along with a considerably shortened project duration using this innovative approach. The Lycoming County Board of Commissioners enacted a Fee for Local Use Ordinance as authorized under PA Act 89. As a result, PennDOT will collect an additional $5 for every non-exempt vehicle registered to an address in Lycoming County and these funds will be provided back to the county on a semi-annual basis. The Commissioners' intent is to use these funds to fix or replace the growing backlog of municipality-owned structurally deficient bridges located throughout the County. Other revenue sources provided through PA Act 13 dedicated to bridges will also be used to finance this program. This revenue will be used to pay the debt service on a PA Infrastructure Bank, (PIB) loan the county would seek with PennDOT approval. The loan will serve as up front financing to undertake the bridge repair program.

Bridge Bundle #1 Ribbon Cutting

On Monday, November 15th Bridge Bundling Program Bundle 1 was completed. The Lycoming County Commissioners, municipal partners from Eldred, Hepburn, Limestone, and Muncy Townships held the ribbon cutting signifying the completeion of work on Bridge Bundle 1. Staff from County partners from Bassett Engineering, Wolyniec Construction, and McTish Kunkel Associoates, as well as, staff from State Senators and Representatives offices, attended the ceremony. Work on Bridge Bundles 2 and 3 is set to begin in 2022. View the WBRE segment on the Bridge Bundling Program below. 


                                  click the image to view Bridge Bundle 1 report       

                                click the image to view Bridge Bundle 2 groundbreaking 








                          click the image to view Bridge Bundle 3 groundbreaking


Lycoming County Local Bridge Bundling

Program (Final List)



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