Past Long Range Transportation Plans
Long Range Transportation Plan 2018 Update

Every five years, as required by federal law, the Lycoming County Department of Planning and Community Development updates the Williamsport Area Transportation Study (WATS) Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP). The current LRTP was adopted December 17, 2018.
Transportation infrastructure is arguably the most critical segment of public infrastructure. Whether it is being used to access employment, homes, commerce, medical services, recreation, or industry, the transportation system serves as the links that bind our modern society together. Transportation investments produce significant impacts on community and economic development patterns, public safety and security and the availability of travel choices offered to the public. Overall transportation needs can be complex and ever changing so the planning process needs to rely on accurate and current data-driven methods. This approach allows for correctly identifying problems and targeting sustainable and cost effective solutions to those problems. This plan shall serve as a framework for guiding a transportation planning process that yields positive community results when formulating and assessing transportation options and making the best possible choices.
It is the WATS MPO’s intent that this WATS Long Range Transportation Plan consider the above characteristics to foster efficient mobility and access for people and goods throughout the county, promote regional intermodal connectivity, ensure efficient system performance and adequate preservation, promote economic development and public safety as well as maintain the County’s outstanding quality of life.
This Long Range Plan is critical toward achieving Lycoming County’s comprehensive plan vision during a 20 year planning horizon by realizing managed and well planned growth and development through the adoption of sound public policies that target strategic infrastructure investments consistent with federal, state and local planning factors. Given scarce transportation funding resources at all governmental levels, the plan will enable transportation decision-makers to prioritize competing needs and make the best use of available funding to address the most important transportation needs.
Cover Document [Click to download] This document explains how the plan updated was funded, who prepared the report, and provides a table of contents for the plan.
Chapter One - Introduction [Click to download] This chapter reviews the structure of the WATS MPO, the purpose of a long range plan, and describes the overall structure of the plan.
Chapter Two - Planning Context [Click to download] This chapter reviews federal, state, and local planning goals and objectives. It also includes demographic and economic development trend analysis, Lycoming County land use patterns, and inventories of environmental and natural resources.
Chapter Three - Multimodal Transportation System Inventory [Click to download] This chapter identifies the transportation modes present in Lycoming County and provides an overview of the current assets and condition of each mode as well as any already planned or programmed improvements.
Chapter Four - Implementation [Click to download] This chapter begins by setting a strategic direction for the WATS MPO over the next 20 years by tying together the planning goals and needs identified in Chapter 2 and multimodal system deficiencies identified in Chapter 3. Then the plan addresses the process for programming projects, identifies how WATS implements its Public Participation Plan, how environmental justice will be considered during plan implementation, and how the PennDOT Connects initiative will be incorporated into implementation.
Appendices [Click to download] There are five appendices:
The current WATS bylaws
A list of acronyms deployed within the plan
A list of resources consulted in preparing the plan
Copies of the public notices soliciting publiccomment on the plan
A summary of public comments received and narrative on how the comments were incorporated into the plan
Project Visualization
The projects listed in the LRTP can be broken down into three categories based on time frame:
The 2019-22 Transporation Improvement Program (TIP) represents the first four-year implementation period of the plan.
The 2023-30 Twelve Year Plan (TYP) represents the second and third four-year implementation periods of the plan.
The years 2031-38 are generalized into line item reserves which will fund future asset management and safety projects within the County.
PennDOT has provided a website that allows the public to learn more about the planned TIP and TYP projects. To be redirected to PennDOT’s TIP Visualization website, which includes project details and anticipated project schedules, please click here.
Environmental Impact Review
Nearly 30 environmental GIS layers were compiled and compared against the location of our TIP and TYP projects to determine the environmental impact of projects listed in the LRTP. Because WATS, in partnership with PennDOT Dist. 3-0, have taken a "fix it first" approach to planning investments in our community, the plan is primarily focused on maintenance and safety enhancements that are almost entirely located within our existing environmental footprint. To review this mapping effort, please click here.
The highest number of environmental "hits" occured in the following categories:
- Act 167 Watershed
- Special Flood Hazard Area
- Prime Farmland Soils
- Significant Historic Features
- Designated EPA Sites
It should be noted that "hit" does not necessarily mean that a negative environmental impact is occuring. This information simply informs the MPO and PennDOT Dist. 3-0 that we should be particularly aware of certain environmental features while scoping and designing these projects moving forward.

The prior WATS Long Range Transportation plan was adopted in 2013 and is available for review by clicking this link.
Interested parties submit written comments about this plan to the following staff contacts:
Scott R Williams, Transportation Supervisor
Mail: 48 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701
Telephone: (570) 320-2138
Fax: (570) 320-2135
Austin Daily, Transportation Planner
Mail: 48 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701
Telephone: (570) 320-2141
Sal Vitko, Transportation Planner
Mail: 48 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701
Telephone: (570) 320-2140
Fax: (570) 320-2135