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Long Range Transportation Plan 2023 Update: Connecting People and Places


Every five years, as required by federal law, the Lycoming County Department of Planning and Community Development updates the Williamsport Area Transportation Study (WATS) Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP). The current LRTP was adopted December 17, 2018.

How to be Involved


As you review the draft plan update below you may have questions or comments.  Please contact our team immediately with any feedback you may have regarding the plan content.

Scott R Williams, Transportation Planning Supervisor/WATS MPO Secretary
Mail: 48 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA  17701
Telephone: (570) 320-2138
Fax: (570) 320-2135
Austin Daily, Transportation Planner
Mail: 48 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701
Telephone: (570) 320-2141
Sal Vitko, Transportation Planner
Mail: 48 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA  17701
Telephone: (570) 320-2140
Fax: (570) 320-2135


What is a LRTP?
Transportation infrastructure is arguably the most critical segment of public infrastructure. Whether it is being used to access employment, homes, commerce, medical services, recreation, or industry, the transportation system serves as the links that bind our modern society together. Transportation investments produce significant impacts on community and economic development patterns, public safety and security and the availability of travel choices offered to the public. Overall transportation needs can be complex and ever changing so the planning process needs to rely on accurate and current data-driven methods. This approach allows for correctly identifying problems and targeting sustainable and cost effective solutions to those problems. This plan shall serve as a framework for guiding a transportation planning process that yields positive community results when formulating and assessing transportation options and making the best possible choices.

What Does the LRTP Do?
It is the WATS MPO’s intent that this WATS Long Range Transportation Plan consider the above characteristics to foster efficient mobility and access for people and goods throughout the county, promote regional intermodal connectivity, ensure efficient system performance and adequate preservation, promote economic development and public safety as well as maintain the County’s outstanding quality of life.

This Long Range Plan is critical toward achieving Lycoming County’s comprehensive plan vision during a 20 year planning horizon by realizing managed and well planned growth and development through the adoption of sound public policies that target strategic infrastructure investments consistent with federal, state and local planning factors. Given scarce transportation funding resources at all governmental levels, the plan will enable transportation decision-makers to prioritize competing needs and make the best use of available funding to address the most important transportation needs.


Executive Summary

Full Adopted 2023 - 2045 WATS LRTP

Interactive Plan


2023-45 WATS LRTP Combined Appendices (PDF)
Appendix A Glossary of Acronyms
Appendix B WATS MPO By Laws
Appendix C WATS MPO Public Participation Plan
Appendix D Environmental Justice Methodology
Appendix E WATS 2023 TIP Environmental Justice Analysis
Appendix F WATS 2023 - 2045 LRTP Summary of Public Comment

Prior Long Range Transportation Plan (2018-2038):


The prior WATS Long Range Transportation plan was adopted in 2018 and is available for review by clicking this link.

Prior Long Range Transportation Plan (2013-2033):


The prior WATS Long Range Transportation plan was adopted in 2013 and is available for review by clicking this link.




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