Tuesday, March 25, 2025

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Other Plans and Studies

Coordinated Public Transit - Human Services Transportation Plan 

Federal law requires that projects selected for funding under the Enhanced Mobility for Individuals and Individuals with Disabilities (Section 5310) Program be "included in a locally developed, coordinated public transit-human services transportation plan," and that the plan be "developed and approved through a process that included participation by seniors, individuals with disabilities, representatives of public, private, and nonprofit transportation and human services providers and other members of the public" utilizing transportation services. These coordinated plans identify the transportation needs of individuals with disabilities, older adults, and people with low incomes, provide strategies for meeting these needs, and prioritize transportation services for funding and implementation. The current Coordinated Transit Public - Human Services Transportation Plan  for the WATS MPO was developed in partnership with the SEDA-COG MPO and adopted at the November 22, 2024 SEDA-COG MPO Coordinating Committee, and December 9, 2024 WATS MPO Coordinating Committee meetings.

Contact Sal Vitko, CFM, Transportation Planner with any questions or comments
Mail: 48 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701        
Telephone: (570) 320-2140                                              
Fax: (570) 320-2135                                                         
Email: svitko@lyco.org   

Click to view the Coordinated Plan Story Map

2022 PA Aviation System Strategic Investment Plan  

The PA Aviation Strategic Investment Plan contains two major parts. Part 1 identifies specific measures to close the PA aviation funding gap currently estimated at approximately $ 53 million annually. Part 2 identifies eight strategic areas to leverage the aviation investment consisting of aviation workforce retention and recruitment, economic development, interface of airports and communities, air freight, commercial air service, emerging aviation technologies, aviation industry partnership building and legislation/policy. Numerous recommendations are formulated for action by the aviation industry working with its partners and stakeholders.

(click the image to view the Strategic Investment Plan)

Pennsylavnia Takes Flight

Pennsylvania’s aviation system is at a pivotal point in time. The Commonwealth has the opportunity to wisely invest in the system’s upkeep and modernization and foster strategic industry collaboration to address opportunities and pressing issues.

(click the image to view PA Takes Flight white paper)

2021 Transportation Impact Fees Study

The study delineates the structural problems that presently exist statewide in how land use planning and transportation planning are being administered. The study documents the statutory authority municipalities have for managing land use at the local level through the state’s enabling legislation (the Municipalities Planning Code, or MPC). It also documents present-day challenges in the local decision-making process, including, but not limited to: the provisions of Act 209 (Pennsylvania’s Impact Fee), their complications, and how impact fees interact with developer improvement required by the Highway Occupancy Permit (HOP) process and complement the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). Other topics include issues such as: barriers to creating and administering Official Maps; the HOP process; and needed amendments to the state Municipalities Planning Code (MPC).

(click the image to view the Transportation Impact Fee Study)

2021 Local Small Bridge Study

In 2020, the Transportation Advisory Committee commissioned this study to review the condition of local small bridges located in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Local small bridges are defined as a bridge, culvert, or pipe(s) between 8 and 20 feet in length and are owned at the local level by counties and municipalities. Based on a 2011-2012 statewide inventory by PennDOT, there are an estimated 7,000 small bridges owned by local governments. With a lack of any state or federal mandate that requires municipalities to conduct routine inventory and inspection, local governments are not required to plan for and fund the long-term capital needs of the local bridge inventory. By understanding local perspectives and needs, the study offers recommendations for how PennDOT can help create increased capacity and incentives to create uniformity in local small bridge asset management.

(click the image to view the Local Small Bridge Study)

Transportation Related Plans and Studies

2018 County Liquid Fuels Municipal Allocations

2019 County Liquid Fuels Municipal Allocations

2020 County Liquid Fuels Municipal Allocations

2021 County Liquid Fuels Municipal Allocations

2022 County Liquid Fuels Municipal Allocations

The Lycoming County Transportation / Growth Plan

Muncy Area Corridor Access Management Plan (CAMP) 

     Muncy CAMP Appendices

Multi-Modal Freight Transfer Center Feasibility Study

Central Regional Traffic Management Center (RTMC) Regional Operations Plan (ROP)

A Scennic Bywasy Program for Lycoming County 

Medical Transportation Services in the Susquehanna Valley Region

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